PPH OPINION: “Secretary of State Summers disingenuous on voting laws.” The author is “disappointed in the Maine Legislature and particularly in Secretary of State Charles Summers for the recent modifications they have made to Maine’s voting laws.” He goes on to say “It is disingenuous of Mr. Summers to make these assertions, while in the background we have to listen to Maine Republican Party Chairman Charlie Webster gloating that these new rules will “keep liberals and socialists from stealing elections” and “as such, it is reprehensible, and Secretary Summers and our representatives in the Legislature should be ashamed of themselves for participating in this charade.”

PPH OPINION by Ben Grant, the chairman of the Maine Democratic Party. ”
“If you want to get really honest, this is about how the Democrats have managed to steal elections from Maine people,” Mr. Webster said in an interview with Portland Press Herald columnist Bill Nemitz. “Many of us believe that the Democrats intentionally steal elections.”

Before any further discussion of the issue, I think it is critical that the people of Maine hear my response: This is unequivocally false.

So, my central message is this: Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or unenrolled, it is not the government’s ballot box to give and take like some kind of reward.

That’s not how freedom works. It’s your ballot box, and your Election Day. In our civic religion, there is nothing more sacred.

The LePage Republicans may think that Election Day registrants are just lazy, or they may think that making it a little harder to vote is an acceptable response to Charlie Webster’s fact-free mythology.

The Maine Democratic Party thinks otherwise. We believe in policy that advances the great causes facing Maine. We believe in a vigorous public square, where the issues are raised and debated by citizens and legislators alike.

We believe in a responsive, respectful citizen’s government that works for the people it represents.

In the past 30 years, there have been only two convictions of voter fraud in Maine. What’s more, when pressed, Mr. Webster could not provide evidence to support his accusation.”


Comment and evidence to support voter fraud in Maine and the refusal of those in authority to act, per their oaths, duties and obligations is reason why there are slim convictions in Maine.

In February 2004 I was a candidate in a special election held in Biddeford, Maine during the administrative of (now former) Governor John Baldacci (D).

I want to note that the relationship between my opponent and I is amicable.

Letter to Julie Flynn, Deputy Secretary of State.  During the tenure of (now former Secretary of State) Matthew Dunlap (D).

Letter to Leanne Robinson, Asst. A.G. (I also hand delivered one to her)

Campaign flyersU.S. Post Office failed to mail.

In October 2005 when a Journal Tribune newspaper article “Ethics commission investigates anti-Beaudette postcard” was published I contacted a State Representative. I explained that Dan Rogers had “helped out” with my campaign in Biddeford, 2004 special election. I was not contacted to testify, but would welcome the opportunity to do so before the commission. I had evidence that pointed to him as the creator of the “postcard.”

At first, I thought my opponent may have had something to do with the post card because of his inaction of a closed door executive session involving my mother’s home. He stated that it is illegal to give out quit claim deeds in executive session. (He was not a city councilor at that time, but was later a sitting city councilor on the Coordinating Committee which I went before over this issue.) I took the advice of the State Rep. and immediately contacted the Director of the Ethics Comm., Jonathan Wayne. I told him of my concerns and evidence I had involving Dan Rogers. I also told him about my formal complaint, filed February 9, 2004, to Julie Flynn, Deputy Secretary of State and Atty. Gen. Stephen Rowe, Leanne Robinson (I later learned her last name is Robbins) demanding a full investigation into the fraudulent election held in Biddeford in February 2004, ballot tampering and mail tampering and that no action had been taken on my complaint. I offered to testify at the Commission hearing on November 9, 2005 and that I would welcome that opportunity. Not only did the commission need to hear evidence on Dan Rogers, but also needed to hear of the violations of Maine election laws which occurred in this special election. I was scheduled to testify at the November 9, 2005 hearing.

November 4, 2005, I received a phone call from Mr. Jonathan Wayne, Director of the Ethics Commission regarding the upcoming hearing on November 9, 2005. As he danced around his explanation of the commission’s upcoming hearing, he was trying to politely tell me that I would not be testifying, although he wanted me at the hearing in case “Dan Rogers lied.” Then I would be called to testify. I felt like I was being used by the commission to achieve their goal – to nail Dan Rogers. (Rogers did confess to mailing the “post card.”) From my conversation with Jonathan Wayne, I gathered that Atty. Phyllis Gardner (an Asst. A.G. who represents state agencies and works in the A.G.’s office) was advising the commission against my testimony. I explained to Mr. Wayne that my intention was to testify at the hearing and that it’s the duty of the commission to hear my testimony. He stated that there would be lots of media there whom I could speak with. I told him I intended to do so, but I also intended on testifying. He stated that he knew that I had issues with Clairma Matherne, Biddeford City Clerk, but that this hearing was not about that. This hearing involved Dan Rogers who helped out with my campaign in a Biddeford election in which Mrs. Matherne was of great importance. Rogers’ statements to me regarding Matherne (telling her he was a Democrat and she was all excited, etc. and I thought he was a Green Party member, being adamant about my not going to the polling place at 8:00 p.m. to inspect the absentee ballots received during the day) was also relevant to Dan Roger’s integrity and character. Mr. Wayne asked if we could meet with just him in the afternoon about this matter. I feel like this is another “Biddeford behind closed doors again.” Mr. Wayne did not permit my testimony. Mr. Wayne protected corrupt Biddeford officials, hindered an investigation, and obstructed justice with the help of Atty. Phyllis Gardner who protected her “clients” the Secretary of State’s Office, her boss, A.G. Stephen Rowe and Asst. A.G. Leanne Robbins who maliciously prosecuted volunteers who worked on my campaign.

To note, former A.G. Andrew Ketterer sat on this commission. I video taped the hearing and Ketterer is a must see!


Unless, and until, there is accountability and oversight of state agencies, including constitutional officers, what can we expect from Augusta!

And where was the “concerned” media?

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi!

    There never is a “concerned” media. Mainstream media is a joke. The
    media enhances itself so to speak by writing issues or talking
    about issues that are negative to the person(s) they are writing/talking about so they can sell more newspapers, more tv ads, etc..

    As far as the new voter election law is concerned, I believe that it is
    appropriate to allow a person time to check out the validity of whatever
    evidence is presented in order to allow anyone to register to vote.

    Proper evidence is key to any process regarding the validity of the evidence
    presented, and it must be checked out by allowing more time to do so. Not
    every town/city has the resources to validate evidence on the spot.

    There is plenty of time to register throughout the year(s) before an election.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  2. I highly recommend checking out information from this writer on any issue regarding voting. One of the most informed people I know on the topic. Check out: also

  3. Hi!

    Talking about Sec’y of State Summers, I saw him on TV several days ago mention the word “customers” regarding those who were renewing their driver’s licenses or obtaining new ones, etc.

    Who has “customers?”

    What was he referring to?

    No where is the word “customers” ever used in the Constitution of the
    State of Maine.

    So once again, who has “customers?”

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

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